Savoring the Moment with Coco Lily
How do we describe our current state? Runnin’ and gunnin’? Fired up and pumped on adrenaline?, Anxious like holy shit what did we get ourselves into? Yes, it’s wild.
From our previous post, we just unveiled that we went all in on our first ever Lokels Only brick & mortar. As excited as we feel about creating a space for the local community and local businesses to connect, we are also nervous in venturing on an endeavor that we’ve never done before.
But we remember what got us here - taking that leap on that idea and working endlessly to make it come true. We had the same feeling when we started our Lokel Show podcast. After pressing that record button for the first time, little did we know that we had the blessing to press record 76 more times for our episodes to this date. There was work behind all of those episodes, from reaching out to local businesses and creatives for interviews, curating local music and artists to feature, and processing and editing each show to ensure fire quality and vibes.
Our takeaway from this is if you said yes to one thing that scares you, be it every month or heck even every day, imagine how different our life would be. Take that leap and invest in yourself.
We have an now larger mission ahead of us, but it is important to reflect on how far we’ve come and to savor the moment. So we got a few friends together and chopped it up with our good friend and first ever Lokels Only partner - Coco Lily. Our goal was to simply enjoy the now. Coco Lily brings more than just a refreshing ice cold coconut drink fresh from the fruit itself. Her coconuts offer that mental refresher, to really take your time with a coconut and enjoy the present moment.
Sometimes we can be caught up in the grind, where we want to pour each ounce of our energy into our passion because that’s what fulfills us. However, that connection with the present moment with the supportive people surrounding you is just as important. It’s invigorating. It gets you recharged and even more motivated to work hard on your pursuit of your passion.
So cheers to savoring the moment.
Peace and Love,
Lokels Only
Written by Patrick Manalo