Stronger Together
From this writing, it’s been about 4-5 weeks since our entire world as we knew it changed. News about the pandemic that we’ve seen for months have suddenly turned our lives around overnight. It’s wild to think that catching up with friends over coffee, kicking back at the homie’s pad crushing beers, feeding off the energy of a concert crowd, or cherishing your significant other with a date night, things that we enjoy from just simply being with others - are now things that we should avoid. We’re in a time when being physically distant is the best way of showing love and affection for someone.
As a community, when we join together, we thrive together. We’re facing times when our support and compassion for each other is needed more than ever. Let’s not only take practice in precautionary steps advised by CDC and WHO, but also trust each other in honoring our responsibilities to keep our community safe. At a time of quarantine and practicing social-distance for our present and future wellness, we must stay connected with each other through support, empathy, and compassion.
But most importantly, give yourself time to process. It’s okay to feel uneasy and uncomfortable. Take all the time that you need to come to peace with the new times. Just know that you’re not alone, and that there’s a community here to support you and will help get you through this together.
Once you’ve taken care of yourself, if willing and able, we encourage you to support local shops, services, and restaurants in this time as well. We especially encourage support for our Asian neighbors and business owners who have suffered from fear instilled by media. Order takeout from your favorite restaurants. Buy or give someone a gift cards from local shops. You might find that your favorite shops have goods available online. Your help supports staff members that may have families. Your help encourages businesses to ride this wave and continue contributing to our communities. These are difficult times, and any form of help and support goes a long way.
At times like this, we look at the mission statement that we created at Lokels Only. By Locals, For Locals - the mission is done together. Let’s keep building each other up, with the hope that this time will pass with us be stronger than ever.
Stronger Together.
Words by Patrick Manalo